- Pathfinder

Reply To: After taking this course, in your own words, please define Hebraic leadership and what it means to you.

AvatarCaroline Francis

The response to the call of God all Christian leaders have, while recognizing humans’ position before Him. I think all Christians are called to follow in the path of Hebraic Leadership while still recognizing that we are not able to complete anything without the help of our Lord. Returning to the word of navigation as a subset of the definition of leadership, Hebraic leadership stands out to me in discerning through the difficult situations. In the biggest challenge of the digital world, Hebraic leadership allows us to navigate with the help of the history and traditional context of Jesus and the Apostles. Personally, being a part of the “online” generation, Hebraic leadership means to me of living out my purpose to seek the Kingdom of God. Being a leader and allowing myself to still be accountable, as the Hebrews understood, helps me to view and handle crises with a focused understanding.