- Pathfinder

Reply To: In the first lecture, Dr. McDermott teaches that the Bible is one story, and that God upholds his covenant with the Jewish people to this very day. Was this what you were taught growing up? If not, how will this insight change the way you read the bible going forward?

AvatarDavid Bainbridge

I was taught that God upholds his covenant with the Jewish people to this very day, but I’m not sure I ever quite understood why there was still a physical connection to the land of Israel. I was always taught that it was important that Christ came from the lineage of David and that he was Jewish and came to save the Jews and even though the Jews rejected him, salvation is still not withheld, nor is His covenant broken. I think I also assumed that God’s covenant with the Jews would not be broken by God since I was always taught that God’s covenants and promises are eternal, and that while we are constantly breaking our promises, he is unchanging.

But I think that’s about where the analysis ended. I was always under the impression that Israel was very important, that the Jews were God’s chosen people, and that we should always remember that. I think this course has been really helpful for me to understand the Biblical ties in the OT and the NT to the people and land of Israel.