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Reply To: Why is it important for Christians to keep the sad history of Christian antisemitism in mind when responding to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the present?

AvatarDavid Bainbridge

It is very important that Christians remember the history of Christian antisemitism when considering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because principally, it will produce better understanding of the issues facing the people involved in the conflict and it will promote empathy. The fact that antisemitism among Christians was the driving force for a concentrated return by Jews to the land of Israel is not one commonly known, and can really change perspectives. I know that I was not aware of the level of impact that Christian antisemitism had on the creation of the state of Israel and thus the subsequent Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recognition of this fact also helps Christians to have empathy for the people involved in the conflict. It is because of the sin of our spiritual ancestors that much hardship is present today. That fact must inform our thoughts and prayers as well as our disposition toward people caught up in the conflict. I also really appreciated the point made about recognizing our own bias in the conversation. As Christians we must not neglect the humanity of individuals on both sides of the conflict or the fact that both sides are made up of sinners in need of a Savior, just like us.