I agree. Education is key. Ben Shapiro said that the reason why so many Jews per capita are wealthy or in positions of power if because historically and biblically the Jews have always placed a high cultural value on education. Cultures that focus on education tend to be more successful. Furthermore as an ancient people that appear mysterious in some sense people misunderstand and fear what they do not understand. Or they will take an example of a few bad Jews with power and forget about the good ones. There are good and bad people everywhere. Lastly historically Jews have tended to be a middle man minority that has been more successful and when moral panics immerge in cultures throughout the world, the Jews are easy targets, because they are considered an other group and an easy target as a scape goat. This idea of them being an other and jealousy over their success is another factor that contributes to antisemitism.
These factors are not unique to Jews per se. Moral Panics happen all the time throughout history and Jews have not always been the only middle man minority. But the Jews have been the only diaspora people to survive as long as they have and been spread throughout the world as they have which contributes to the various persecutions against them by so many cultures and peoples.