I think the U.S. could be involved in the negotiations in the Middle East, but too often both sides on the right and the left do not have a good enough grasp on the conflict to make decent long term decisions one way or another. For example Clinton, the PLO, and Israel tried to make lasting peace in the Middle East in the Oslo accords, but all that happened was Israel gave up land for a shaky peace deal in the West Bank, and a takeover of Hamas in Gaza which has resulted in the current war.
Now Trump wants to support Israel getting its hostages back, but not allow it to crush Hamas and let Palestinians return to Gaza. Already Hamas is strengthening its forces again. What I believe is going to happen =is that the war will end and the hostages will be free. Israel will still go after Hamas, but will not be able to permanently take out Hamas till another war breaks out again.
What Clinton and Yitzhak Rabin did not count on was that land for peace ultimately would not work in the Gaza and in many cases the West Bank.
And what Trump does not realize is that he is putting a band aid on an issue that will not gush out again until probably long after his presidency when Hamas has a chance to rebuild.
Ideally I think as our greatest ally in the Middle East the only Western Nation in the Middle East we should support Israel if not militarily then at least by providing them military capital and supplies to defend themselves and the West.
Israel’s main goal is to protect Israeli’s and although her government is imperfect and gets things wrong some of the time, other Western Nations are usually not educated enough to make a lasting impact in the area. And with the rise of antisemitism around the world and lack of understanding in the conflict, the best thing Westerners can do is to generally support Israel and let them defend themselves and let them conduct themselves as they see fit. Ultimately no nation will long term support the Jews and Israel as much as the Jews and Israel will, at least until Christ returns.