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Reply To: BONUS: Reach out to a local synagogue (or Hillel or Chabad house)

AvatarThomas Lashley

Sorry you did not find any local Jewish groups my friend. Feel free to reach out to me and I will research some groups in your area for you. You are write Judaism is multifaceted. There are groups within groups within groups.

There are broadly speaking Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox Jews. Reform are generally more Jewish theologically liberal, the Conservatives in the Middle, and the Orthodox more religiously conservative. Generally theologically liberal, middle, or conservative will translate into political and moral values on the political left, middle, and right, but not always. Actually I find this is usually the case for most religions.

Then there are also secular Jews that only practice on the High Holidays if at all. Christians whether Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox have these too. We Catholics jokingly call them Chreasters, because they only show up on Christmas and Easter. I wonder if there is some funny nickname our Synagogue going Jewish brothers and sisters call the Jews who only go to High Holidays lol. We should pray for all of their conversions to a more richer relationship with G-d. (: