- Pathfinder

Reply To: How, if at all, did this course shape or change your perception of the ongoing Syrian Civil War?

AvatarJames Haire

Hello Isabella, I understand your question to another’s post was in reference to something they had posted but I cannot see it. However I would like to answer your question as if you were asking me. Sometimes the nations in the region are ruled by corrupt and tyrannical leadership, that seems to be the common theme in this part of the world. As soon as a tyrant does what a tyrant does us in free western nations suddenly have a knee jerk reaction that not we want to stop whatever it is they are doing and liberate the people but often we have seen the results of this end up being a whole lot worse than the original problem. Iraq for instance once had a tyrant in power and he along with his stability seem to be a whole lot better than what arose from that conflict after. The same in true of Afghanistan in response to the Taliban, after all that time, effort, blood and treasure they are now equipped with first world equipment…..ours in addition to making alliances with our number one competitor on the international stage. I have to evidence of this but I do not believe it is too far fetched to believe with just a bit of common sense applied, China is likely also training them and this is a recipe for disaster. You have a band of backward radical lunatics that are hell bent on bringing darkness, depravity and lunacy to the free world and now they have the backing and training of a powerful American Adversary along with 1st world military equipment. If you thought it was difficult to defeat them when they were armed like cavemen what until they are confronted later after these fancy new upgrades. This is often why stability and a tyrant we can stomach is often a whole lot better than enriching the nation with “Freedom” if we are not going to commit to finishing the job because the situation ends up being far worse and we take a personal cost in numerous areas of our own resources. So what we actually did was waste our own resources and efforts to make the situation worse and this is the embodiment of stupidity and weakens our own position on the globe.