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Reply To: After taking this course, in your own words, please define Hebraic leadership and what it means to you.

AvatarBrett Manero

For me, Hebraic leadership means viewing the world, history, current events – in short, everything – through the eyes of Judeo-Christian faith. That means viewing everything in the world with the awareness that God is ultimately in control of human history, guiding it to its ultimate positive conclusion, which is the renewal of all things and the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Hebraic leadership also means doing the best you can with what you have, in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. I especially thought about this during the lesson about statecraft, and how a Hebraic leader ought to view both politics and statecraft. The Hebraic leader, as stated before, views everything through the eyes of faith, and so can find meaning and purpose in whatever situation he or she finds himself or herself in.
In short, Hebraic leadership means viewing the world as God does: there is beauty and meaning in human history, and history makes so much more sense when view through those eyes of faith.