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Reply To: How can you work to combat antisemitism and supersessionism in your own Christian community?

AvatarVictoria Collazo

In order to spark conversations and to educate others on topics, establishing trust and friendships with others is one of the key steps. A way in which I can work to combat antisemitism and supersessionism within my own Christian community, would be to start by building relationships between local Jewish centers with local churches along with my church. It is crucial to have open dialog between both groups because ultimately we cannot understand our Christian faith without Judaism. Antisemitism has been given a breeding ground since the separation of Jews and Christians began. The first believers in Yeshua were Jewish, therefore our Christian roots are very Jewish. We need to build a bridge in Jewish Christian relations and as a church truly understand our Bibles and how important and significant the land of Israel and the Jewish people are in our faith. In order to truly combat antisemitism within the church we must bind again to our Jewish brothers and sisters.