One way for me personally to combat antisemitism and supersessionism is as a pastor to continue to address these issues from the pulpit in my preaching and teaching time. I usually teach from the Old Testament in my adult Sunday School. Presently we are going through the book of Deuteronomy. Many times “The Land” is mentioned and opens up a time to address the fact that God owes the Land and He has deeded it to the Jewish people- forever. As far as antisemitism is concerned, I have made friends with many in the Jewish community. I and many of my church attend various Jewish events in an effort to connect with some in our Jewish community.
Recently, my church hosted a Pro Israel Sunday and in the morning service we invited 4 leaders in the Jewish Community to speak and address various issues that are presently going on in our community- many on the Campus in Milwaukee- encampments, antisemitism, harassment…I then preached on why Christians should support Israel and the Jewish people. The Jewish people are connected to Israel.