In the on-going battle for the “rightful, sovereign ownership of the land” by the two diametrical political and religious views of the two families: Arab and Jewish, it is conceivably natural to assume that support for one infers a detriment to the other, especially since the narrative has been politically and culturally shaped as so in both sides of the political coin. As such, the narrative[s] leaves one with no choice but to choose a side. However, the Pathfinder course fundamentally and deeply shares a pluralistic view that, at the moment, has not yet been mutually embraced by both the Arab family and the Jewish family with uniform, practical implementation and institutionalization. Personally, a response to the false assumption implying zero-sum competition would be premised under the idea of co-sovereignship and co-governance of the political, social, and economic affairs mutually serving parties in interest, but only if such is the collective promise, hope, and proposal of the parties.