I believe that it is imporatnt for CHristians to keep the sad history of Christian anitsemtism in mind when responding to the israeli-Palestinian conflict because we first have to look at our own history to understand where to stand during these terrible times. I am christian and i havent had much knowledge on the wars until now. After going through this course i am extremely grateful for the Philos Project to serve humanity with these courses. From what i’ve learned we have to keep christian antisemitism in mind because we have to see where history has lead us. We cant fall victim to ignorance and think it’s bliss as we are christians dedicated to action. It’s interesteing though i never knew that there were christians who were against the jewish race. One thing i learned from these courses is that we ought to be friends with our neighbors and love them. Just as Yeshua Christ did and told us to do. then maybe some of these wars and confusion would cease to exist. with love, Olivia Reyes