- Pathfinder

Reply To: Did any of the similarities or differences between Christian and Jewish theology surprise you? If so, which/why?


This course is really interesting to me because I am generally very open and have genuine interest in hearing and understanding what people believe and why. As a person raised in a household where there wasn’t a specific dogma, doctrine or belief system to follow, more than some general societal and moral notions of “what’s right and wrong”, plus, having lived some depersonalization due to an honest moment of losing myself and losing notion of what’s what, God has gifted me with this very open curiosity. I love getting near what Jews and christians believe about after-life. As a new-born Christian myself, having gone through a lot of “new-age” spirituality, these notions of eternal life and immortality had already come to me strongly so reading the Bible and getting to see the similarities between everything I was going through and Christianity just made sense. Now I believe the biggest eye-opening thought for me is this belief Jews have of “heaven on earth” once the messiah comes in, which for the church I’m in speaks of these signs because of the “antichrist”. So there is a big difference there I’d love to explore more deeply.