- Pathfinder

Reply To: After taking this course, in your own words, please define Hebraic leadership and what it means to you.

AvatarPatrick Dailey

Thank you for your post on this. It is of critical importance that we know that through the Word of God, God gives lessons to us, especially when we are speaking in the context of Hebraic Leadership.

History found in the Word gives us a framework and lessons from those who have come before us. What better way to help us navigate than through the tremendous amount of lessons throughout God’s Word and the history within it?

I am reminded of the many verses (such as James 3:1) that speak of how leaders are held to a higher standard.

I apprecaite your response and it is good to do all of these things for the glory of God! 🙌

There is a famous saying, that, although is not in the Bible, is a good one that I think of with what you say: Check yourself before you wreck yourself or, put your ego at the door.

This idea of being humble in our leadership, what you say is true. We must recognize our limitations and I would add, trust in God, his Word and history.