- Pathfinder

Reply To: Have you ever been told that supporting Israel prevents you from supporting Palestinians? After taking this course, how would you go about responding to false accusations like this?

AvatarWyatt Flicker

The sentiment that support for Israel and support for Palestine are mutually exclusive is pervasive in our society and largely stems from the problem caused by the term “support.” When asked whether I support Israel or Palestine, I inevitably respond with “Israel or Palestine to do what?” By focusing on support, we in the United States tend to reduce the issue to the level of complexity typically associated with team sports, where hoping one side “wins” means that the other must “lose.” As Christians, we should consistently reject zero-sum formulations of the conflict and consistently probe others to hold space for complexity in their positions. One can and should be able to be “pro-Palestine” and affirm Israel’s right to exist, or “pro-Israel” and levy criticisms of Israel’s military strategy. Making and holding space for a spectrum of moderate positions that affirm human dignity and self determination together is the most efficacious way to approach conflicts.