- Pathfinder

Reply To: Have you ever been told that supporting Israel prevents you from supporting Palestinians? After taking this course, how would you go about responding to false accusations like this?

AvatarTimothy Baptiste

I dont think that I have ever been told this directly however I have noticed this sentinent being utilised at alarming rates especially after the Oct. 7TH tragedy. Personally I think a charitable (not done in bad faith) thought exercise could be crucial to having them refute this idea themselves. I would prod them on as many nations states that exists which have to some extent committed egregious acts against their neighbours and whether that mandates their existence should be challenged. The reason I would ask this is because I believe many persons who use that statement are coming from a belief that supporting Israel and Palestine is mutually exclusive whereas most persons in practice and in principle do not think that as the overwhelming majority of individuals who may even use that statement would agree that even if some people of a nation may have at one point done something unfortunate it does not mean that those persons should be denied their right to said nation and that applies to both Palestine and Israel. Ultimately by exposing this dynamic I believe that it qould result in the improved respect for Israelis and Palestinians alike.