I noted in the other threads (as I am the only one as of early August 2024 in this course) how the impact of mass media entertainment plays a role, likely far more resonant than that of any Vatican statement, among billions, whether Catholic or not. Even many Jewish people, I’d aver, get their impression of Christ and his relationship with his fellow Jews from screens rather than study of any documents emanating from Rome or anywhere not “Hollywood.”
Back to the point, this may deepen Jewish skepticism. I write as anti-semitic “discourse” increases, with or without the “anti-Zionist” overlap or separation or conflation. It’s a global split of evangelical support for Israel among conservative Christians while liberal-progressive denominations back a pro-Palestinian activism. Political parties are likely using their allegiance perceived to be won among their Jewish allies to gain donors, rally voters, mobilize policy, win elections, and influence their economic gain, military reach, and widen territorial markets.
Delicate matters, but they must be discussed. The vastly outnumbered ranks of the Jewish people mean that those of both religious and demographic majorities contend for the resources of all sorts that the Jewish people are seen to possess. Their souls might be the prize for some from one majority, their land or their resources for another. Some may present themselves as friends of the Jews, others as foes. But the sense of being “used” I’d say is inescapable.