Hello, Isabella. If memory serves from a previous thread on the Israel-P conflict course, you are from Latin America. I wonder where the location of your Hillel and your Orthodox shabbats were, and if they, as I wrote in my original response below (well, visible of this writing), indicative as was my Chabad visit of the local community. I have always been attentive to demographics and patterns of who lives where, probably due to my own status all my life in one of the most diverse cities in history in my formative years, from a formerly very insular heritage due to the motherland’s poverty and its own legacy of massive emigration as a result of prejudice to its majority, and my current status as perhaps the only person of European origin for 10km where I and my late wife {z”l_ had moved to in the Andes, an unexpected location for new arrivals, as a pair with our own differing ethnic-cultural identities.