- Pathfinder

Reply To: After taking this course, in your own words, please define Hebraic leadership and what it means to you.


Thank you for sharing, I too am in the same field as you. Living in a world that is focused on “wealth” yet I am reminded that we are not to shun material wealth but to use it well in the world to come. A Hebraic mindset and leadership like what you echoed are not merely reading the scriptures and filling our heads with knowledge -it is ultimately changing our behaviour and our walk so that our God will be pleased with us. It is as the Lord said to Cain -paraphrasing -I must master sin (the duality of my beastly and sinful nature) , not to let it dominate my walk and subdue it with God’s help and bring it under the Lordship of Jesus. There is no final victory until the day I am out of this world -but the journey is now more hopeful as I am reminded that the Hebraic mind remembers that God does not desire perfection in his Law but allegiance to him (clinging to him, desiring to walk with Him, bending my will even if it means saying No to my carnal desires) -my attempt in reading Exodus 30: 15-20 in a Hebraic way.