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Reply To: How, if at all, did this course shape or change your perception of the ongoing Syrian Civil War?

AvatarIsabella Youssef

This course changed my view of the Syrian Civil War in a few ways. I had little knowledge previously of the conflict, but knowing how many parties and countries were involved gave me a little hope. I recently did the Lebanon course, and no countries seem to be paying attention to the nation except Iran. The lack of international intervention is somewhat good but is also somewhat bad since no one, besides Iran, is investing in the future of the country. Gulf countries like Saudi and the UAE are funding infrastructure projects in Egypt because of its geopolitical positioning and significant military. No one sees that in Lebanon. Even though there are many groups in Syria struggling for power, and several foreign influences, it shows that other nations haven’t given up on the country and that there is still something worth chasing after. For Syria to not fall to the same fate as its sibling state, its government needs to regain the autonomy of the entire land and rebuild internally.