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Reply To: In Lecture 2, Dr. Dru Johnson mentions that there has been a decline in biblical literacy in the Church. After taking this course, what are some recommendations you would give to church leadership to increase biblical literacy?

AvatarCaroline Francis

As someone who leads a young adult ministry, I have to admit that Biblical Literacy is something I struggle with as well. However, in the same way Dr. Dru Johnson suggests that “a good way to approach biblical literacy is by answering your most pressing questions and issues,” any questions that come up in conversation, I pause and let the person/people know I will get back to them and research! Researching and discernment go hand in hand, as there are many sources on the internet and we need to be able to identify which are true and which are inaccurate. As well as, gathering in small groups to discuss different stories of the Bible which people may not fully grasp the whole concept of is a great way to being. Especially with people who are also learning is a great way to increase Biblical Literacy, specifically within leadership in the Church.