- Pathfinder

Reply To: In Lecture 2, Dr. Dru Johnson mentions that there has been a decline in biblical literacy in the Church. After taking this course, what are some recommendations you would give to church leadership to increase biblical literacy?


I was impacted by the data regarding the decline in biblical literacy and how that will / is having consequences to the strength we have as the Church. The culture of reading the Bible needs to be brought back as our cornerstone, alongside prayer and fasting.

Unfortunately, in the technological age we live in, establishing the culture of reading in the middle of so many distractions is really a big challenge. Nonetheless, in my Church I see some steps taken that really influence us to read the Bible constantly and be a bible fluent.

First, we have several small groups that focus on the readings / discussion of books of the Bible chronologically. Each encounter is one chapter to the other, and that influenced me to study at home to have a better time going deeper during our encounters.

They also do series on regular services as well, studying specific books in chronological order (not tied to the groups). They print the principal part of the sermon / study of the chapter in a paper where we fill the major points of the chapter and make notes. I find this simple thing amazing and it really influences me to go deeper in my studies of the Bible.