- Pathfinder

Reply To: After taking this course, in your own words, please define Hebraic leadership and what it means to you.

AvatarJonathan Nolasco

Hebraic leadership is an approach to leadership that is grounded in a Hebraic worldview. This Hebraic worldview functions as a map that provides Hebraic leaders with the wisdom needed to navigate the challenges of our world and help others go where they need to go. Hebraic leaders recognize that leadership is about navigation which requires a reliable map. Our world offers us various maps that claim to offer guidance. Hebraic leaders believe that only a Hebraic map, grounded in God’s revelation in the Bible, will provide them with the wisdom and clarity they need to live in “exile” and lead their people to God’s Kingdom.

Hebraic leadership gives me a framework with which to understand how I am to lead my community as a Christian. It encourages to draw from the ancient wisdom of Scriptures and the Hebraic tradition so that I can learn to see our world as Jesus did. As a pastor at my church I hope to develop as a Hebraic leader so I can help my community navigate toward God’s Kingdom.